Im sorry if this is unrelated to stcgal but here it goes.
i try a simple timer loop to switch p3.5 at 20ms.
i program my stc15f104e - dip with the -P stc15a and it works perfect, then i try with…
hello everyone
i'd like to share some info and schematics for this "new" pcb/kit
it will not work correctly with existed hw because of shared pins for S1/RM and S2/GM, i cut button's wires and sol…
I just made mods to your serial.c and main.c inspired from original files (bbs.ai-thinker.com). The blackboard now sends DTH11 data to my linux threw WIFI/TCP. Next step will be bidirectional with spr…
Thank you so much for developing this tool!
I am having a little trouble getting it to work with a STC15L2K32S2 with a PL2303 on OSX. It appears to detect the chip correctly:
python3.5 stcgal.py…
I'm a newbie to 8051 ...
I started down this track myself but you are far in advance.
I want to interface to the esp8266 and am willing to help get there.
Do you have a makefile or script for compili…
(base) crisqifawei@CRISQIFAWEI-MC0 tiny51_os % make flash
rm -rf *.bin *.hex *.asm *.ihx *.lk *.lst *.map *.mem *.rel *.rst *.sym *.adb *.omf *.cdb
sdcc --model-large --debug -c ./task_scheduling_co…
G-code M80 not working with V1.2, but working with V1.0.
Evg33 updated
2 years ago
Unable to flash STC15F2K08S2 stops at 13% (I assume when it starts writing EEPROM area).
Waiting for MCU, please cycle power: done
Target model:
Name: STC15F2K08S2
Magic: F401
Code f…
I'm having trouble compiling. I'm using a RPi with Debian Jessie.
Here is the error after editing the makefile to used sdcc instead of sdcc-sdcc
sdcc -c main.c
delay.h:7: syntax error: token -…