开始擦除芯片...Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/USR/work/waterrules/software/STC8H_sdcc/stcflash.py", line 1413, in
File "/USR/work/waterrules/software/STC8H_sdcc/stcflash.py", l…
## feature
[i]When using the download software provided by STC to download the user program, the system will automatically set the VRTRIM and IRTRIM registers according to the frequency set by the us…
Do you have demo code or a snippet for using I2C slave mode ?
`extern __CODE uint16_t ticks_ms;
extern __CODE uint8_t ticks_us, clkdiv;`
#if defined (SDCC) || defined (__SDCC)
extern __CODE uint16_t ticks_ms;
- 串口2demo:FwLib_STC8\FwLib_STC8\demo\uart\uart2_timer2_tx.c
> 在使用串口2的情况下必须要对IO进行配置,否则无法输出。在STC8H手册上(321页)有这么一段话:
*** 关于 I/O 的注意事项:
1、 P3.0 和 P3.1 口上电后的状态为弱上拉/准双向口模式
2、 除 P3.0 和 P3.1 外,其余所有 IO…
Can't STC8G use the tool?
When I used stcgal, I can't download program for my STC8G board.
Cycling power: done
Waiting for MCU: done
Protocol detected: stc8
Target model:
Name: STC8G…
I have tried stcgal on STC8G1K but it didn't work.
After trying downloading the firmware into STC8G1K chips, these chips could not work even using the official programming tool - stc-isp - anymore.
compile error when call function `PWMB_PWM1_SetCaptureCompareValue`, missing `PWMB_CCR1H` and`PWMB_CCR1H `.
src\main.c:89: error 20: Undefined identifier 'PWMB_CCR1H'
src\main.c:89: error 20: U…
I'm trying to set the reset_pin_enabled target option.
However it does not ever appear to be set to true after repeated power cycles/isp reads.
I do know that options like eeprom_erase_enabled per…