Library needed by 'svgren', which is in turn a library that renders SVG files.
I have in the HTML:
Then, to get the element:
let svgObject = document.getElementById( "myid" );
let svgDom = svgObject.contentDocument.querySelector("svg");
I am curious if svgdom will run within Node-Red functions to allow svgjs to manipulate my svg's in the background without being present in any browser. My intent is to do some svg generation and modi…
I want to use svgdom into nest js application and get the below error
`Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module ..\..\node_modules\svgdom\main-module.js from ..\..\..\main.js not supported.
### Feature Use Case
I have code that runs in the browser and on server-side node. On the server-side, I need to import a DOM implementation, in the browser obviously not. I want to export that…
I'm trying to use `Finder` to get a reference to an Element, and then accept a Visitor from this element, but I'm getting the following error:
candidate function not viable: 'this' argument ha…
Hello :wave:
I'm currently creating a project with Nuxt.js and I'm using `svg.js`. But since the Svg element doesn't work on server-side, I need to use `svgdom`.
Unfortunately, if I use `import …
why path , size , viewbox not working in this library ?!
const draw = SVG(document.documentElement)
const draw = canvas.size(600, 600).viewbox(0, 0, svgWidth, svgHeight) // Create an SVG…
I've tried multiple ways (such as attaching events, defining hitArea, trying hitTest and so...) to add interactivity to SVGScene output after loading it using @pixi-essentials/svg library but the eve…
I kept encountering an issue with the CLI. An error occurred: 'ERR_REQUIRE_ESM'.
I managed to create a workaround by avoiding the CLI and using the library instead. I set up a node project in a re…