I use ruby svn2git.
I have the following error
F:\PRJ\dba>svn2git svn://localhost/ --prefix=svn/ --trunk / --nobranches --notags --authors dba_authors.txt
Hi Team,
I am following the svn2git process but I got this below error.
" undefined local variable or method `stdin’ for #Svn2Git::Migration:0x0000563404427ac8 (NameError)
Did you mean? String …
See http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/MoveToGit/UsingSvn2Git
I am trying to convert an existing SVN repo to a Git one. Here is the command I use:
`svn2git svn+ssh://me@example.url/svn/code/AndroidApp --authors authors.txt`
I have changed the URL to a dumm…
C:\Users\AJASINGH\SVN Projects\testrepo>svn2git
Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/AJASINGH/SVN Projects/testrepo/.git/
Using higher level of …
i have a problem:
# svn2git http://xxx/svn/android --no-minimize-url -v --username xxx --password xxx --rootistrunk --authors /usr/local/users.txt
Running command: git svn init --prefix=s…
dzhyw updated
2 years ago
Any ideas what's going wrong here?
[rochkind@xs001 umlaut]$ svn2git --rebase
command failed:
2>&1 git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no
[rochkind@xs001 umlaut]$ git status --porcelain --unt…
After migrating from svn to git, in “commit section” of GitLab show users commits correctly, and when i click on them open user profile correctly, but when i open profile of users didn’t show any …
I have a repo that I just recently migrated using svn2git. It contains 73 branches, and 1128 tags. When I run the command
svn2git --rebase --metadata
It takes quite a while, even when there…
I just got svn2git installed on my linux server. I am just doing a little testing to see what will happen.
What version of ruby gems is needed? You can see my versioning below.
$ svn2git test