in my application, there are 2 editors and 3 viewers on the same document connected simultanously. It looks like after the 2 editors did their work for about 2 hous, inputting about 500 lines…
When loading swellrt in phantom.js, the following erros appears:
2016-10-02T09:47:58.913Z getting https://staging.teem.works/teems/cHJvdG90eXBlLnAycHZhbHVlLmV1L3MrbTNYVXBxNTVEZ0E
Atmosphere callb…
This is what I have got a minute ago. Putting an issue out as a starting point for discussion.
_What now?_ - the google-drive backed notebooks in the Lab are really fantastic collaboration tool.
Is …
Wikipedia has a lot of articles on f/oss projects with structured actual information, including versions. There should be a way to get a dump of this.
In a concurrent editing session, with a large text, when a client writes after a long period of only reading, and index problem happens on websocket client:
During development, in some cases, swellrt server is very busy. I need to restart the docker container to solve.
In fact, I don't know how to repeat, but I had collected the thread dump before rest…
WebSockets disabled or unavaible so clients performs a fallback to long-polling.
Long-polling is working in local environment.
No reproducible in Local:
- In a local env with blocked webso…
I'm having problems to deploy [my app: upvote](https://github.com/Akronix/upvote) to gh-pages .
It has an Mixed content error since I'm using the SwellRT server hosted in demo.swellrt.org
Could …
I expect the following two queries to be equivalent, however, the second produces an error, am I doing something wrong?:
- parameter in JSON format:
``` javascript
var id = 'local.net/s+VPmCWEf0GGA…