# App summary
- App name: Synergia
- App serial: PCSE01508
- App version: 1.00
# Vita3K summary
- Version: v0.1.5
- Build number: 2793
- Commit hash: https://github.com/vita3k/vita3k/commit/0…
.bin files are the universal standard for EPROM readers and burners. I have all the Synergy FW in that format, but the Synergia requires ".dat’ file format which appears top only exists on the groups…
## :ledger: Description
Na última reunião do Inception com a Synergia descobrimos que ambos os times utilizam o MongoDB como Sistema Gerenciador de Banco de Dados e não haverá necessidade de muitas f…
Exemplos de telas extraídos pelo @sufex00 do FedML
Problematic simulation is here,
After approximately 20 turns, the simulation ends with an error message of "error exit(1)":
Is there any way to add support for https://wiadomosci.librus.pl/nowy/inbox
There seems to be an api behind it. Example call for a message: https://wiadomosci.librus.pl/api/inbox/messages/7705268
I put in the ROM files before opening the application and plugin. Even if I use the right sampling rate, buffer size, and ASIO4ALL, it won't open on any DAW. When I open the standalone, I only see a t…
We need an alternative for Synergia XD
Requested by a zgoubi user, use the madx sequence file as the common format across zgoubi, elegant and synergia. Synergia already uses that format. Allow interoperability across sirepo codes via impor…
Currently can't implement marking homework as done, due to `POST: https://synergia.librus.pl/homework/markHomeworkAsDone` requiring studentID which isn't present anywhere.