EPIC: SysAdmin
As a **sysadmin** I can **clearly see the most recently updated articles** so that **I dont have to spend time looking for them**
Issues with Maintenance screen:
### Assumptions:
# Proposal
Our project is to design a chatbot that can interact with the user's command line and help with system administration.
1. In which we pipe an LLM into /bin/bash and see what happens
# Interesting?
- https://github.com/trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge
- https://github.com/Spacial/awesome-systools?tab=readme-ov-file
- https://github.com/mikecali/6_sysadmin_tasks
- https:/…
EPIC: SysAdmin
As an **administrator** I can **add, and update users/user profiles via a front-end** so that **I don't need to use a separate URL, and all changes can be administered from one maint…
sysadmin tasks:
- [x] compression on cloudfront
- [ ] move domain / DNS to cloudflare
- [x] update TLS version base to v1.2 on cloudfront distributions (data.dev, dev, data and www)
- [x] update…
When attempting to edit a ticket tasks (comment) and change the status from todo to done as well as update the real start date and real finis date the following error was returned:
KeyError at…
OS: Debian 11.6
bt start
Starting Bt-Panel.... done
Starting Bt-Tasks... done
bt status
Bt-Panel not running
Bt-Task not running
tail /www/server/panel/logs/error.log
Cc: @jimmidier @adamcogan @ozdemir-mehmet @kikibianc @chrisschultzssw
Hi Team,
### Pain
The France office is setting up the UniFi controller. To make the query "Who is in the France office no…
One use case brought up by a sysadmin was scheduling work to be run on one or more nodes the next time they are free. One possibility would be to run the work itself as a job, however this is limited …