We should industrialise our workflow management by developing a system following this [scheme](https://www.figma.com/board/s8D352vFbVGXMERi6XOPV6/Workflow-Management?node-id=0-1&node-type=canvas&t=pSj…
# Development: Open Map Database Management UI
(Assignees: @M0M0F3IK @zn2plusc )
Create a Management System for Open-Map Database
- Adding Galaxies, Solar-Systems, Planets and Moons
### Exercises:…
Is there a possibility of integrating existing authentication systems, such as LDAP or OIDC, to simplify user management?
Warehouse Management Systems
- warehouses (list, retrieve)
- inbound_shipments (list, retrieve, create)
- returns (list, retrieve, create)
- products (list, retrieve, create)
- item…
Since SPDX 3.0.1 (to be published in a near future) make use of the Package URL (using [our own copy](https://github.com/spdx/spdx-spec/blob/development/v3.0.1/docs/annexes/pkg-url-specification.md) o…
- The Google File System
- Scaling Memcache at Facebook
- In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm (Extended Version)
- ZooKeeper: Wait-free coordination for Internet-scale systems
- Wha…
> [!Note]
> See this [Notion Epic](https://www.notion.so/wellcometrust/Future-collections-management-systems-scoping-80a72d2d6afd4995932ff8ea00cc468b?pvs=4).
In order to prepare for the Wellcome Coll…
The semantic versioning scheme that most package management systems use says that `1.3.0-latest` is *older* than `1.3.0`, despite https://github.com/oatpp/oatpp/releases seemingly indicating that that…
I've got a bit of an issue here. I'm running two GPUs - one Nvidia with 8GB of VRAM and an AMD card with 4GB of VRAM. When loading up a model, I'm limited to the total of 8GB of VRAM, which isn't too …