When cleaning up ransomware markdown file (https://github.com/fastfire/deepdarkCTI/pull/739) I discovered that someone (in 2022, commit id ef005e80c7fe32adc2739ede3a606183c6f911fa) added a threat inte…
You should write somewhere how to use this Horn in telegram. This bot allows you to pass user messages exactly to telegram. Because it's not definitely clear how to pass objects to `text` param.
### The problem
How can I join channels by channel name? like, sender.channel_join(@foochannel). But it's not working... What should I do? P.S. let us think, that @foochannel is the real one with mor…
## Actual behavior
Plugin doesn't handle cases when Telegram server randomly disconnects, throws network errors, etc.
ERROR: [org.telegram.telegrambots.updatesreceivers.DefaultBotSession] …
## Which version are you using?
## Description of problem
EditMessageMedia method doesn't work.
I've tried with this code:
$editMessageMedia = new EditMessageMedia();
Hello I am using Plugin [WooCommerce Custom Payment][1]. After Payment I want that information in input fields send to Telegram bot.
My Hook dont work((
function sendMessage($chatId, $messa…
P. D... SPPP.P.PException in thread "RxComputationThreadPool-3" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Exception thrown on Scheduler.Worker thread. Add `onError` handling.
at rx.internal.schedulers…
Several ideas for changes and/or additions have been gathered in the v14 project, mentioned in the user group or issues or dwelled in the back of my head. So I'm writing this issue to keep track of th…
Hi, i can't watch streaming videos in my old weak eee pc, its i use preview setting of the amazing Cat-Catch extension to send streaming videos to potplyaer more light than heavy html5 web browser and…
Is not working