ub16c9@ub16c9-gpu:/media/ub16c9/fcd84300-9270-4bbd-896a-5e04e79203b7/ub16_prj/text_classification-pengming617$ python3.6 train.py --model_type=textrnn
2019-06-22 12:25:47.455034: I tensorflow/core/pl…
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_22 to have 2 dimensions, but got array with shape (9598, 61, 300)
根据你的textcnn,在model.fit传入参数时,由于我的train_data是三维的[N, max_len, w2v_dim],而你的是二维的,产生了…
File "", line 1, in
text_hidden = processing_text(text_list[:max_len])
File "", line 103, in processing_text
out = rnn_infer.predict(label_list)
File "C:\Users\shiqiang42\Desk…
We have the following categories that we need to support at Pipeline and MLApp.
### Working with Image Data
- Image Classification (it does classify the image to specific classes)
- [x] model…
`自己写的预测类,输入文本即可得出结果,但是要用tensorflow才行,怎么把tensorflow pad那个删除?
下面写的预测类代码在TextCNN测试通过,但是在 kr.preprocessing.sequence.pad_sequences这个用到了kears代码,怎么把这个换成pyotorch的或者numpy的?请大神指教,大家一起交流下
from tensorflow…
初步写了个FastText的配置类:https://github.com/maoding1/sinaCrawler/blob/master/eval.py 其他模型的预测可以改改__init__方法里的配置试试
Hi @brightmart ,
I have trained the CNN using ''train-zhihu4-only-title-all.txt''. When i am using the predict file for prediction on "test-zhihu6-title-desc.txt" using the word2vec as "zhihu-word2…