# Feature Request
Android Picker is actually a service opening a dialog (see [Android TimePickerDialog](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/TimePickerDialog)).
But [Android TimePi…
One of my users reported a bug with the timepicker, screen: ![betterpickers](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/12847119/15754953/ef4d141c-28fa-11e6-81ed-431f38fa84fb.png).
I don't know i…
Are the TimePickerDialog tags not implemented?
``` Java
datePickerDialog.show(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), DATE_DIALOG_START_TAG);
// ...
public void onDateSet(DatePickerDia…
Can you provide any method for killing the TimePickerDialog cuz its causing Memory Leak.
If there is any please share it.
Similar to https://github.com/material-components/material-components-android/issues/2586 just for `TimePickerDialog`.
We're targeting B2B and they want to brand the app at runtime with corporate c…
### Use case
If want to pick a Duration (minutes, seconds, etc.) and there currently is no option in material design.
For cupertino there is [CupertinoTimerPicker](https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/…
I already tried to change the last parameter on new TimePickerDialog (line 102 and 103) in the android source of `DatePickerPlugin.java`
`final TimePickerDialog timeDialog = new TimePickerDialog(curre…
back button hides the picker (net.twisterrob.astro.screen.bazi.DatePickerDialogUiTest) failed
modules/screen/bazi/build/outputs/androidTest-results/connected/debug/TEST-emulator-5554 - 14-_scree…
The TimePickerDialog string used for time_display is being set in a hardcoded manner. Good practice mentions that it should be done through the string values xml.
## Steps to Reproduce
showTimePicker( context: context)
1. A white line is visible below - the dialogue does not overlap the entire screen. You can set SystemUiOverlayStyle to the …