php artisan migrate
INFO Running migrations.
2021_04_14_141211_update_locations_tables ...................................... 1s DONE
2021_04_14_141222_create_locations_table ...........…
Typed property TomatoPHP\FilamentBookmarksMenu\Filament\Pages\Bookmarks::$bookmark must not be accessed before initialization
I'm facing an issue after installing the "FilamentBookmark…
When I try install this package, composer install all tomatophp extension too. Then, try to exec filament-invoices:install command, and errored about sqlstate. You prepared as sql file not migration.
B2B or wholesale would also be great.
an option to activate it.
Greetings and thanks.
## Upvote & Fund
- We're using [Polar.sh](https://polar.sh/tomatophp) so you can upvote and hel…
If you add a column with a relation (for example `page.number` in a `books` resource), the query breaks because there is no join.
I fixed this by using the model instead of the query builder. EG:
I'd would like to know how to customize the invoice form, for example i'd like to use my products model on items repeater, thanks for the answer
## Upvote & Fund
- We're using [Polar.sh](https://po…
This would also be great:
that integrates with the cms and works like gutenberg works for wordpress.
There is also a repository that sh…
At the moment there is no integration with Filament Shield.
When running `php artisan shield:generate --all ` no policy for Filament Artisan is made.
## Upvote & Fund
- We're using [Polar.sh](ht…
Having a settings table might not be that unusual, maybe you could rename the table in something more specific, something like pwa_settings.
## Upvote & Fund
- We're using [Polar.sh](https://polar.…