can be helpful for servers with multinational players:
in several slavic languages used cyrillic alphabet, and while chatting they can write in wrong layout, like this `ghbdtn` - is the `привет` whic…
1部分翻译失败:Invalid line format: ```yaml
The 1 part of the translation failed: Invalid line format: ```yaml
If it fails again, please check the file content.
Traceback (most recen…
Following solution not work.
### wrapper script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# llama_translater
if echo "$content" |grep -P '[\p{Han}]' >/dev/null; then
zw963 updated
1 month ago
1.A music player app
2.A chat gpt like app
3.Blog App
4.Alarm clock
5.Language translater app
> 问题反馈-2024-02-22.xlsx 第36条
### Mod Name
Translater & LibJF
### Mod Homepage
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/translater and https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/libjf
### Minecraft version
### D…
> 问题反馈-2024-02-22.xlsx 第11条
remark: unable to translate instruction: call: ' tail call void @_ZdlPv(ptr noundef nonnull %0) #17, !dbg !13'
remark: unable to translate instruction: call: ' %23 = tail call ptr @real…
Input path is a directory, start batch processing...
Currently processing file: config.yml
File content length 9800…