During our last development session two members of the staff who are are responsible for update the lunch menu requested if we could look into a way to streamline the generation of content in sanity. …
Hey Nicholas, could you send me an invite to your trello board (aclark@enlivenhq.com) or make it public? It looks like it's set to private at the moment. Thanks!
https://trello.com/b/pft9xKlh/template-board I CANT ACCESS YOU TRELLO BOARD VIA SAID LINK
I think that Github is not the best place to gather ideas, because it doesn't set priorities. Most of the "good" ideas are lost this way, because the system is not meant to support that. Simply look a…
The [Trello board link](https://trello.com/b/svB6ZSce/areas-of-responsability-dris) in the `README.md` doesn't point to any board, or points to a private board.
The Trello board can't reachable.
Looks like these boards are private. I am interested and how you used these two tools for your project. If you are not open to making your board public, would you mind sending me an invitation?
Improvements board now lives in [Trello](https://trello.com/b/btHeb35m/enspiral-improvements-board)
┆Attachments: https://trello.com/c/l7JZTFuo/2-nazaniiin | https://trello.com/c/U5s5sk4T/58-45904339044149494491php-%D8%AF%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%AA-%D8%A8%D…