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It would be great to add [TTFNet](https://arxiv.org/abs/1909.00700) to the available models.
TTFNet is the fastest detector at training time and one of the…
hi,the install.md Is unable to access,could you provide a new one?
Thank you very march.
I get this error message 'ImportError: cannot import name 'get_dist_info' when I run './tools/dist_test.sh configs/ttfnet/ttfnet_d53_2x.py /path/to/the/checkpoint 8' command.
As I see from issues of …
Hi,is the FPS computed by mmdetection as follow?
`./tools/dist_test.sh configs/ttfnet/ttfnet_18_1x.py /path/to/the/checkpoint 1`
My gpu is 2080ti, but I can only get inferred speeds of 90FPS (90 tas…
There has hm loss, wh loss and offset loss in paper. The offset loss is important for object location. But I find this project has no offset loss, which means object can offset 0~4 pixels.
Paddle2onnx 转化Paddledetection的fasterrcnn模型出现ops不支持错误,不只是fasterrcnn,还有ttfnet,试了多个之后发现只有yolo模型可以转换,请问是当前版本还不支持部分操作吗,可以列出目前不支持的ops以及替代方案不,谢谢
Since FCOS and RetinaNet do not use dcnv2, it makes me curious whether ttfnet can get good performance without dcnv2.
## 一言でいうと
TTFNet(Training Time Friendly Net : CenterNetの亜種) をもとにしている.
Mobile版のbackboneは mobilenetv3-large