The [tufte](https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tufte-latex) classes are incompatible with just `\DocumentMetadata{}`, and in fact error with lualatex even without this. With pdflatex the document
By literary format I mean no gap between paragraphs and a (tab) indentation at the beginning of each paragraph -- as with a novel or regular book. I've tried
`#+HTML_HEAD: p { margin-top: 0px; marg…
Having a hard time making the rmarkdown_handout knit, here is the error
Error in loadNamespace(name) : there is no package called ‘tufte’
Calls: ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne ->
I am trying to reproduce the .org file in the repository. At first, I had jk-org-kwd problem which is gone after deleting :ignore: tags from each section. But now when I try to export the .…
dbosk updated
5 months ago
When clicking the green triangle for the example method `#exampleMicAsHTMLDocument`, I run into a FileDoesNotExistException for the file expected in my local working area:
I created a project named [tufte-markdown](https://github.com/duzyn/tufte-markdown) so you can simply write your articles with Markdown, then you can convert them to beautiful HTML and PDF articles us…
duzyn updated
5 years ago
> The Tufte handout style is a style that Edward Tufte uses in his books and handouts. Tufte’s style is known for its extensive use of sidenotes, tight integration of graphics with text, and well-set …
This is a question since the issue lies with org-mode. When exporting, the default CSS shipped with ox-html inserts:
``` css
pre {
border: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
border-radius: 3px;
For everyone's consideration - [Minimal ink and maximal data](http://motioninsocial.com/tufte/). I'd be interested in having a conversation about the feasibility of doing [Tufte](https://www.edwardtuf…