tl;dr: For historical reasons 'zef install IO::String' may fail,
reporting problems with Text::CSV:ver.
Workaround: 'zef install IO::String:ver'
or a more recent version, if any.
lucs updated
6 months ago
### Issue URL (Annoyance)
### Describe the bug
I'm getting a ScraperException when trying to use a proxy with snscrape on twitter.
I've tested the proxy ip is not banned by twitter by adding it to network configuration a…
At Aahan in Space we would like to demonstrate our support for Ukraine.
URL - aahaninspace.tk/ukrainewar
branch - ukraine
I'm very happy that you ported crtview to mac but the export to gif feature doesn't seem to be working for me, or if it does I have no idea where the images end up.
Doing `zef install Data::UkraineWar::MoD` will take the scripts in `bin` and install them in the PATH:
6 bin/ scripts [commit-push.sh index.js ukr-mod-scrape-local.raku scrape.py ukr-mod-scrap…
embed airdrop announcement to the website
🎁 receive one of 50 NFTs:1️⃣ follow us on Twitter2️⃣ retweet 1 announcement3️⃣ join…
1. Twitter changed to [https://twitter.com/ukrainewar_art](https://twitter.com/ukrainewar_art)
2. Add discord https://discord.gg/NsB9bdeU