Hello, We are using links to the OM-2 concepts like e.g. http://www.ontology-of-units-of-measure.org/resource/om-2/height as opart of our work with the I-ADOPT ontology mappings and the URLs/URIs are …
The async `url` resolvers are current server actions.
This is because the `link` node type ReactNode resolver relies on these functions for internal links.
The resolvers are server side because th…
The Penn Museum pulled down the metadata that we used to harvest. There is a "download data" button on the about page of [their website](https://www.penn.museum/collections/search.php?department%5B0%5…
The new IRIs in v2.0 do not resolve as URLs to an ontology file via the web. We are woking on a solution that will improve on the previous implementation. Stay tuned. And thanks for your patience.
### Astro Info
Astro v4.1.1
Node v18.18.0
System Linux (x64)
Package Manager unknown
Output static
My stylesheets have plenty of references to images through relative paths (`url()`), and when I try to bundle my CSS (which I would assume just imports all the CSS into one build) esbuild fails saying…
### What
Decide on solution for resolving the non-hackable urls for story series and event series. Current options:
1. Replace the /series/ part of the url with /stories/ and /event-series/ with /eve…
Example-Resource: https://lobid.org/resources/990368444930206441
There are two base URLs "nbn-resolving.org", one with h…
Hi :-)
1. Would it be possible to get product data from url shortened links?
2. Can you add an option to add your amazon affiliate tag for amazon links?
Would be cool if we could configure a single link/QR to resolve randomly amongst a set of user-defined URLs. Or even step an individual user through multiple defined URLs for first and subsequent scan…