Renaming original wheel ursina-7.0.0-py3-none-any.whl -> ursina-7.0.0-py3-none-any.whl.non_patched
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "wheelpatcher.py", line 72, in
### Discussed in https://github.com/PaologGithub/UrsinaForMobile/discussions/6
Originally posted by **PaologGithub** November 26, 2024
First release to fully support ursina, so you can port yo…
Hi @PaologGithub,
u could add some sample apk files, just for demonstration
I typed it in the comments section already, but I posted it here incase said comment gets deleted due to breaking youtubes TOS somehow. It can be seen on 2nd video in the tutorial playlist here;https:…
PS C:\Users\Shivam\Desktop\voxel 3d\Rally-master> py main.py
Hello from the Rally Server!
warning: Tried to instantiate Entity before Ursina. Please create an instance of Ursina first (app = Urs…
My Ursina application has runned normally for months on an Ubuntu 20.04 workstaion which can be visited by xrdp service. Sometimes the administrator uses the windows system's remote connector to che…
Create meshes every frame of the plane extruded into 3D.
Keyboard controls to shift the position of the root polygon.
Try out https://docs.panda3d.org/ or maybe https://pyrender.readthedocs.io/e…
PS C:\Users\Shivam\Desktop\voxel 3d\minecraft> & C:/Users/Shivam/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python312/python.exe "c:/Users/Shivam/Desktop/voxel 3d/minecraft/try15.py"
Traceback (most recent call l…
PS C:\Users\Shivam\Desktop\voxel 3d\Rally-master> py main.py
Hello from the Rally Server!
warning: Tried to instantiate Entity before Ursina. Please create an instance of Ursina first (app = Urs…
ursina 7.0.0 failed to load obj model and have below errors, I degraded the version to 3.5.0 works fine. weird!!!