Hi, do you have a demo (video) of real-time V2V-PoseNet hand tracking? Thx.
Hi @garyzhao, thanks for your amazing work and sharing your codes!
I guess your method should also work for 3D hand pose estimation. Have you ever tested your method on 3D hand pose data sets and c…
Hi @moberweger ,
Thank you for the code. I am trying to implement V2V PoseNet algorithm on First-Person Hand Action Benchmark. But they mentioned deep prior++ for center extraction.
I am trying …
Can you provide the files of the coordinates of hand center point of hands2017、ICLV and MSRA datasets? Thank you so much.
Hi, thanks for your significant work. I am trying to use the model of itoa_side to predict the human joint key point on our data (e.g., 320*240 depth image from kinect), but I am confused about how to…
I'm appreciating your great work.
when i test own depth data, I can't get the center coordinates and depth values of hand bbox advance. Therefore, when I try to remove "- center [index] [0] [2]" du…
Can you provide Visualization code about MSRA/ICVL/NYU dataset? How to draw 3D hand joint?
Hi, @melonwan .
I've been researching on Hand Tracking work in recently, and i'm very interested in your crossingnet work. I try to follow your project, to train crossingnet with NYU dataset and MSRA…
I have run your code in Matlab, which shows good performance with your test data(samples_ITOP_frontal_noseg.mat). Here, I want to know how to save my depth image(*.png format) to this *…