StaxRip usage questions can be asked here in the Issues section or in the [Discussions section](https://github.com/staxrip/staxrip/discussions).
If I use AviSynth/AVISource/QTGMC my resulting file/…
I installed 'vapoursynth 7.0' as a portable version, and there was a problem.
Opening the script with the 'VapourSynth.Editor-r19-mod-6.8' editor returns an error: Failed to get VSScript API!
Can yo…
Failed to evaluate the script:
Python exception: vsmlrt.RIFEMerge: tile size must be divisible by 64 (192, 160)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src\\cython\\vapoursynth.pyx", line 3…
It's free and can be used with mpc-be for real times frame interpolation.
Maybe you can add vapoursynth, vs-mlrt and avisynth_filter to README?
import vapoursynth as vs
import awsmfunc as awf
import mvsfunc as mvf
import havsfunc as haf
from rekt import rektlvls
import kagefunc as kqf
import muvsfunc
core = vs.core
Script evaluation failed:
Python exception: Source: Video track is unseekable
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src\cython\vapoursynth.pyx", line 2242, in vapoursynth.vpy_evaluateScript
I noticed that for example ffmpeg has VapourSynth support build in, but this option is rarely activated at compile time. I think a major reason is, that you need to link against the VapourSynth libra…
Just like avisynth's ImageReader, it can read any number of images.
**Problem/Use Case**
PySceneDetect is designed to process one input file only. Most of the files I want to process are splited in 1GB chunks (vob files).
Other programs can be c…
I build av1an master on Fedora 40 successfully.
When running the result: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
valgrind -v av1an suggests the culprit may be vapoursynth:
vapoursynth provided by F…