**Assertion failure (C:\Programming\GLS\_Combined\Ingeniaria\Common\AlbionInterop\GLSCore6_CAD.pas, line 96).**
[0000000066437E90] GLSCore6_CAD.ClearCadSelection2 (Line 96, "GLSCore6_CAD.pas")
**Access violation at address 00000000704635D5 in module 'Edisan6.dll'. Read of address 0000000000000010.**
[00000000704635D5] frmStraightLineDiagram.TFormStraightLineDiagram.GetNodeElementList (…
**Class not registered, ClassID: {6FE9D1B8-C064-4877-94C0-F13882ADBDB6}.**
[0000000064FFB8E2] System.Win.ComObj.CreateComObject
[0000000066036460] OpenDSSengine_TLB.CoDSS.Create (Line 4833, "Open…
**Access violation at address 0000000000000000 in module 'Swift6.exe'. Execution of address 0000000000000000.**
[00000000630324EC] GenericsVcl_Screen.GetScreenWorkRectangle (Line 51, "GenericsVcl…
I'm using:
Embarcadero® Delphi 12 Version 29.0.53982.0329
Delphi 12 and C++ Builder 12 Update 2
This is the latest version of Delphi Athens.
The GLScene group is loaded and builded without error…
**'' is not a valid integer value.**
[00000000639687A7] System.SysUtils.StrToInt
[0000000064B30203] ODSSAnalysisUnit._DecodeTimeSimParamStr (Line 1612, "ODSSAnalysisUnit.pas")
[0000000064B30F46] …
**Grid index out of range.**
[00000000632AC90D] Vcl.ValEdit.TValueListEditor.DeleteRow
[00000000632B0A70] ImportGenericSettings.TfmImportGeneric.SpinEdit1Change (Line 372, "ImportGenericSettings.…
**Application made attempt to free invalid or unknown memory block: $000002179F495F40 OBJECT [?].**
[0000000063F72D6F] GenericSelectionGridForm.TGenericSelectionGrid.FormClose (Line 209, "Generic…
**Application made attempt to call method of already deleted object: $0000018700AE8660 OBJECT [TComboBox (cmbSelectTimeStep)] 1512 bytes.**
[000000007561F35E] Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomComboBox.Change
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OBS: Consigo usar normalmente digitando as pergun…