## Expected Behavior
I download plugins like described here https://github.com/Thuenen-GeoNode-Development/thuenen_atlas/tree/thuenen_4.x/docker/geoserver#plugins and build the GeoServer container.…
### Entité(s) concernée(s)
### Route API concernée
### Méthode de la route API
### Description détaillée du bug
l'URL du glyphe
Is it possible to have fade transition when changing vector tiles, or at least when Text labels appear and disappear on different zoom levels (difference is visible in these screenshots - 1st one is O…
I was testing large polygons across multiple tiles and noticed these weird breaks.
I found this fix but it…
Generate a layer of Analytic VectorTiles with OSM geometries from OSM history in order to produce them with accurate create, modified timestamp metadata.
### Generating Features with Metadata:
In …
Check if VectorTiles are compatible with the current version and if necessary add them...
Ask @lukasmartinelli to provide possible VectorTiles Source
Promise.all error:TypeError: L.esri.Vector.vectorBasemapLayer is not a function with LWC
my code shown below
import { LightningElement, api, track, wire } from 'lwc';
import { getRecord…
The icons in the sprite are much larger than they need to be:
in the MVT mode is not working, as the tiles are giving a 401 response.
mvl22 updated
7 years ago
If vector tile has inverted Y axis, the vector tile doesn't display in 3d.
var source = new ol.source.VectorTile({
format: new ol.format.MVT(),
url: 'api/vectortile/{z}/{x}…