I was wondering if texlab is suplorted as LS. Both clangd and texlab get detected, but only clangd seems to work. The wiki doesn't mention it either. (see https://github.com/girishji/vimcomplete/issue…
Text changes are applied twice, once when completion item is accepted and second time when `CompleteDone` event is fired (calls LspCompleteDone()). This is the case for clangd server.
To reproduce,…
When `autoComplete` is set to false, manual invocation of a completion uses `omnifunc` buffer setting which defaults to `LspOmniFunc`. However it completely ignores already typed chars and offers full…
VimComplete: The latest main (da6aa72)
Vim: 9.1.785
The problem is that `triggerWordLen` is not honored, and the completion menu pops up even if I haven't typed that many characters wh…
OS: Windows 10 Pro build 19045.4894
Vim 9.1 64-bits - Portable installation
env var VIM=d:\U\Vim9\vim91
vimrc= $VIM\\_vimrc
custom Vim dir: $HOME\vimfiles
vim-plugin manager:…
In `scope` there is `fuzzy.GitFile()` in addition to `fuzzy.File()`. It would be nice to have an equivalent in `vimsuggest`. `VSGitFind` or something like that.
At the moment, I'm doing this:
Error detected while processing function
line 4:
E716: Key not present in Dictionary: "kind"
This is in t…
OS: macOS 15.1.1 arm64
vim: 9.1.0850
Plug: all update to date
shell: fish/zsh
Terminal: wezterm/apple terminal
Plug list and maybe relate setting?
Plug '00dani/SchemaStore.vim',…
When defining the mappings, it would be nice to modify the mapping so that it does not remove the currently defined mappings in possible, similarly to how endwise handles it:
When working with multiple buffers of different filetypes LSP completion only works for the most recently opened filetype. Currently using yegappan's vim9 LSP, and I found that the LSP's default autoc…