GR and Drupal have preferences "pre-sets": named packages of preferences like
Maximum computing, Standard, Power saver
This should be part of the standard distribution, and should be the default int…
[The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Intramural Healthy Volunteer Dataset](https://openneuro.org/datasets/ds004215/versions/1.0.2)
The data set includes a large amount of tabular data ch…
- **App Name:** Gridcoin
- **Icon Name:** /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/gridcoinresearch.png
- **Description:** Gridcoin is an open source cryptocurrency (Ticker: GRC) that rewards volunteer …
### Title
Brainhack Cloud
### Short description and the goals for the OHBM BrainHack
A team of brainhack volunteers applied for Oracle Cloud Credits to support open source projects in and aro…
# Our Lessons
Software Carpentry is a volunteer project dedicated to teaching basic computing skills to researchers.
Description: what's your idea?
After discussion with the Confidential computing project, it seems like there is an opportunity for collaboration to provide guidance for projects to create a confide…
# Why Institutional Partnerships Make So Much Sense
Software Carpentry is a volunteer project dedicated to teaching basic computing skills to researchers.
As we scale projects beyond the number of TAC Voting Members how do we continue to provide mentors to the projects?
# An Advanced Short Course in Leeds
Software Carpentry is a volunteer project dedicated to teaching basic computing skills to researchers.
***By SEA-SIG representatives: Nick Souter (University of Sussex), Niall Duncan (Taipei Medical University), Nikhil Bhagwat (McGill University), Polona Kalc (Jena University Hospital)***