I have trained a caffemodel from your tutorial, but the test result is bad. I think it is because of little dataset. Could you please tell me where I can download the lane and road marking benchmark …
Dear authors,
#1 Can you show me how to perform training on your VPGNet dataset?
I don't know how to generate the dataset_list file of your VPGNet dataset in order to run the make_lmbd.sh
#2 The…
Hello, respected scholar. Saw a torch reproduction of the article on VPGNet: Vanishing Point Guided Network for Lane and Road Marking Detection and Recognition. I would like to ask if there is a torch…
I tried to edit the make_lmdb.sh file as following:
../../build/tools/convert_driving_data /media/aquarius/Backup/VPGNet/caltech-lanes-dataset/cordova1/ /media/aquarius/Backup/VPGNet/caltech-lanes-da…
Hi dyh,
Is there any training code for the neuron network used ( VPGNet and ERFNet-CULane )?
The target and output tensors for the objectmast task is [batch_size, 2, 96, 128]
This fails in the loss calculation with CrossEntropy
[libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/text_format.cc:274] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 456:16: Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "tiling_param".
F0618 12:00:19.1064…
From Labs. Namil Kim, [pdf](https://www.dropbox.com/s/0394h04kbfy70w6/ICCV_Review_1.pdf?dl=0)
Makeup-Go: Blind Reversion of Portrait Edit
MemNet: A persistent Memory Network for Image Restoration
VPGNet dataset is available.
Please fill out a [form](http://forms.gle/LNCPUgEu4B7XGjLZA) for the download link, and check the README.
VPGNet 是2017年CVF会议的的车道线检测的论文,提出了使用消失点Vanishing point 来引导对车道线和车道标记的检测,是车道线检测的入门论文。