VSCode exentions should now be available with the alpha release of `Microsoft.VSCode.Dsc` PowerShell module:
# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://aka.ms/configuration-dsc-schema/0.2
I've seen there's offline widgets for jupyterlab and jupyter, is it possible to have offline version of vscode
**What happened?**
Can't open workspace with VSCode, shows ECONNRESET, but with VSCode web working
> -e Connected to SSH Host - Please do not close this terminal
[03:05:36.766] Spawned SSH…
Hey :)
super idea :) I'd love to have this markdown preview in vscode, do you think you would do it ? (or be open to pull requests ?)
Cheerz :)
Type: Bug
When the extension is enabled, VSCode is significantly slower, even in code that has nothing to do with Dart (TS, Next.js). It especially shows when e.g. clicking a symbol to see its defin…
If I update VScode CLI remotely (based on the prompt inside VScode environment), tunnel does not reconnect.
> Solution:
It seems like Uninstalling and Installing VScode service fixes the issue. …
- https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-extension-samples/blob/main/chat-sample/README.md
1. After running the task several times in a row, the same message is displayed several times. No way to clea…
Hi, I use clash as my http/https proxy client.
I need this proxy to access google gemini.
Google Gemini is currently accessible through my browser, but it doesn't work in vscode claude dev (lastest …
# 곽지욱 웹