使用npm init vue@latest安装的vue项目,
`Could not find a declaration file for module 'vuex'. 'g:/dg-b-front/node_modules/vuex/dist/vuex.mjs' implicitly has an 'any' type.
# vuex typescript 사용법 | 기억보다 기록을
vuex typescript 사용법, vue, computed, reactive, ref, watch, watchEffect, props, vuex, composable, typescript
## 方案介绍
### 背景
vuex 注册、声明、消费状态的方式繁琐,并且没有类型提示,开发体验很差。
原逻辑中的 vuex 会将状态全部存到一颗状态树下,持久化后数据全存在 storage 的一个键值对下,对调试状态不友好。
新人上手项目要先熟悉 vuex,心智负担重。
### 价值
Hi there,
vuex-typex is a great tool to provide typings to store methods, but it seem to be not adapted to Vue 3. In Vue 3, Vue root is not global, so main Vue root object is created via `createApp` …
I am upgrading a codebase to Vue 3, so have upgraded `vuex-composition-helpers` to `2.0.3`.
When running unit tests for components using this library, I get a typescript error:
● Test suite …
Adding a `index.d.ts` would be great in order to support typescript. I have drafted one already, based on the vuex one:
declare module 'vuex-map-fields' {
import _Vue, { WatchOptions } from "…
This one's weird :/
vuex.esm.js:96 Uncaught Error: [vuex] must call Vue.use(Vuex) before creating a store instance.
at assert (vuex.esm.js:96)
at new Store (vuex.esm.js:243)
at Ob…
I'm using Vuex-composition-helpers with TypeScript, and when executing my Jest tests, I get an error saying that it can't find the 'vuex/types' module.
I've got Quasar running and on the project, i…
I'm getting the error:
*Uncaught Error: [vuex] must call Vue.use(Vuex) before creating a store instance.*
Here's my thoughts:
Perhaps direct-vuex has its own VueX installation?
Here's what …
I imported the module like this
`import { createPersistedState, createSharedMutations } from "vuex-electron"`
and got the error:
5:61 Could not find a declaration file for module 'vuex-ele…