As a user, I want to update my personal information (e.g., age, weight, height) so that my fitness tracking is accurate.
**Acceptance Criteria:**
- Users can update personal details such as age, w…
If you are using Weights & Biases to track model training, could you post a public URL to the dashboard so that we can track the training in "real time"?
For many people using this app, a place to store a weight measurement each day would also be a good additional piece of data.
i've runned the command like this
(gtalink) D:\KULIAH\TA\Pra_TA\gta-link>python generate_tracklets.py --model_path D:\KULIAH\TA\Pra_TA\gta-link\reid_checkpoints\sports_model.pth.tar-60 --data_path D…
I was wondering if it would be possible to create a function that would normalize the state values to their peak value in a coordinate.sto file? This would be similar to the setNormalizeTracki…
This was never intended to be a weight tracker like myfitnesspal or anything, but I think tracking weight is something people do. It would be nice to have when we start having the ability to graph th…
Track weight, %fat, lean mass. with %fat and lean mass as optional inputs. organize by date entered
`font-weight: 700;` for bold etc. is not so intuitive. Would a new global singleton similar to `Palette` be the right kind of container for a set of constants? Then you could write `font-w…
### **1. Personalized Workout Plan Recommendation - /users/{user_id}/workout-plan (GET)**
This endpoint generates a personalized weekly workout plan for users based on their fitness goals, muscle gro…
It would be very interesting to learn, how `connlib` actually behaves in the wild. For that, we should implement a light-weight metric tracking (likely using OpenTelemetry). These metrics can then be …