Project Explanations:
- Following [NeMo](https://github.com/NVIDIA/NeMo/tree/mai…
Hello, when I use WFST for AISHELL decoding, the predicted label is one less than the real label, what is the reason for this?
such as:
predictions: tf.Tensor([[2994 717 206 1404 1487 1741 3702 …
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "pydecoders/decode_wfst_main.py", line 89, in
decoder.decode(enc_outputs, initial_packed_states, e2e_model.inference_one_step)
File "/algdata03/ji…
Is there support for WFS 2.0.0 ?
Getting an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined
at e.setFeatureDescription (Leaflet-WFST.src.js:338)
at Object.success (L…
The tomcat temp directory for my opengrok server (`/opt/flatiron/mounts/var/lib/tomcat8/temp/`) is filling up with `opengrok_suggester_wfst_input_XX.tmp` and `opengrok_suggester_wfst_sort_XX.tmp` fi…
In my understanding, after export pb file and use CPP demo to transcribe. It doesn't use beam_search_decoder or wfst_decoder, it just output the transformer decoder result straightly. am I right?
Hi, guys. I am wonder why the dim is 3651 in the file "athena-decoder/examples/hkust/wfst_scores.txt" while the length of vocab is 3650. Looking forward to your reply.
what's the speed decode with rnn lm compare with the wfst? Can I use rnn lm decoder for production?