is possible use `rpi_ws281x` and `adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel` to control ws2812b rgb led just like raspberry pi?
Great project, thanks for sharing :)
I am looking to build som props using [these ](https://de.aliexpress.com/item/1005005930597006.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.38.49b35c5fYaiGtt&gateway…
Good afternoon,
Will it work LED WS2812B?
I recently bought one of these cheap wifi WS2812B/WS2811/SK6812 controllers from the rainforest website -
beim Durchsehen deines Projekts ist mir aufgefallen, dass du 21 GPIO-Ports zur Anzeige der Positionierung verwendest. Hast du schon einmal in Betracht gezogen, stattdessen eine WS2812B RGB(W…
### Feature does not already exist?
I searched and did not find an existing feature request
### Summarize feature
Would it maybe be possible to combine RGB-CCT firmware and gradient firmware? I hav…
I will receive an esp32-a1s card soon.
I want to add an LED matrix to display a clock. For example, an 8*32 WS2812B matrix. Is this compatible with squeezelite-esp32 ?
Thank you in advance
Would it be possible to integrate a single Neopixel or Ws2812b control to make it easier to read for older or less tech. people?
I am thinking of:
Off = nothing connected
Blue = Something connect…
Could this run on Rpi with ws2812b, the reason I ask is that my ambition is to make a matrix 20 feet long by 10 feet high using WS28XX it would be 360 pixels Wide by 180 pixels high NB i would be usin…
My 32x8 WS2812B panel seems to be horizontally wired. What do I need to modify in the code to have the text in the good direction ? Now It's like I have 4 blocks scrolling independently
Many tha…