Built XCSoar with support for Raspberry PI VC4 support
Just wanted to say, that this is a game changer for me.
I use this to test things I develop for xcsoar under near real world conditions.
This allows me to test procedures, settings and tr…
XCSoar versions having the problem
XCSoar versions not having the problem
System in…
i installed current testing image today on my openvario.
While everything works as expected, i found two problems after createing a wifi connection with connman:
- when downloading the repository, …
XCSoar version
epic, 7.25 and before
What should XCSoar do differently, what functionality should be added?
This feature is required so synchronize the flight mode between OpenSoar (XCSOAR) and the Larus devices.
Protocol suggestion from my side is:
FM == FlightMode:
$PLARS,L,FM,CI*cs CI == Cir…
Just wanted to say thanks. :+1:
i was able to simulate traffic for https://xcsoar.org (https://github.com/XCSoar) with it and implement the correct recognition of FLARM targets with it.
Trying to convert .cup file to an XCM but every time, no matter what .cup file I select, I get error "Unsupported waypoint file"
**Project description**
https://github.com/XCSoar/XCSoar - is a open source glide computer used by glider/sailplane pilots and paraglider pilots
This is a request to package the Linux version fo…