Hello! I can't find anywhere if Vauxite is running with Xfce 4.18 or 4.20 RC1, and if there is plans for releasing 4.20. How can I find this information?
I am using Gnome and 'space bar' for a few days now and I am glad having your extension installed, that's for sure :-)
_The casus:_
Often I switch between 2 same workspaces that are relate…
## 商品信息
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## 商品信息
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Greetings, I installed XFCE in my Ubuntu (comes with GNOME) just to try Chicago95 (and it's amazing!).
However after going back to GNOME I find that some features are applied to GNOME as well such as…
The nix move removed our custom awesome theming (e.g., there's no a panel at the bottom). Let's get our theming back.
Template fedora-41-xfce 4.2.0-202411301214 for Qubes OS r4.2, see comments below for details and build status.
If you're release manager, you can issue GPG-inline signed command (depending on templat…
Template fedora-41-xfce 4.3.0-202411300956 for Qubes OS r4.3, see comments below for details and build status.
If you're release manager, you can issue GPG-inline signed command (depending on templat…
Template fedora-41-xfce 4.2.0-202411300956 for Qubes OS r4.2, see comments below for details and build status.
If you're release manager, you can issue GPG-inline signed command (depending on templat…