It seems that after updating HA to 2024.10.4, Yahoo Finance stops working.
I've tried rebooting HA, rebooting PC but it doesn't help.
A user reached out requesting we scrape Finance information from Yahoo!, including the article information:
Have noticed yahoo finance stopped working recently. URL in error logs takes me to a API feedback google form.
"We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but API-level access to Yahoo Finance quotes data …
### Describe bug
Since yesterday, Yahoo Finance has not been providing data for several stocks, making it impossible for me to download them using your software. For example, for [Honeywell](https://…
{"finance":{"result":null,"error":{"code":"forbidden","description":"User is unable to access this feature - https://bit.ly/yahoo-finance-api-feedback"}}}
fixed method
### Describe bug
When running a loop over multiple tickers, yahoo flags me even when using a VPN and switching servers multiple times per day. I found that there are many yahoo data sources where t…
I tryed to install Yahoo Finance via HACS. After I copied the fils in the Configurationdirectory and edited the configuration.yaml and rebooted all,, th eintegration ist not working, i can not …
Hi everyone! I feel this is bad news from Yahoo... ERROR 429, yes again, so cross fingers...
Let's hope there is a solution...
### Describe bug
yfinance version ... yfinance==0.2.48
environment google colab
If you want to display the price and volume over time of a certain stock ticker the code does not reproduces the …
crumble_regex = r'"crumb":"(.*?)"}'
need change to
crumble_regex = r'crumb:(.*?),'