git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe.git ~/.vim/pack/YouCompleteMe/opt/You…
适用的是python3.10.6版本,使用python3 ./install.py时安装youcompletme遇到以下错误,这里是什么错误呢?是python版本太高了么,错误显示下面这些python中的库函数被丢弃使用了,找不出具体原因。
[ 66%] Building C object CMakeFiles/_regex.dir/regex_3/_regex_unicode.c…
您好,我是在b站上看了您讲的关于vim的配置视频,但是我在安装插件过程中出现了问题,其他的33个插件按照你给的方法都可以正常安装,但是YouCompleteMe安装不了,在使用 :PlugInstall 时候就显示YouCompleteMe无法安装,找了很久没有找到解决的办法,希望能得到您的一些建议或者帮助。
Does this plugin work with YCM? https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe
I installed vim-misc then vim-easytags but they don't seem to play nicely with youcomplete me. Do you have a working setup?
First of all I must say that LaTeX-Box OmniCompletion works almost perfect with YouCompleteMe out of the box. The only complaint that I have is when it comes to command completion. I have set YouCompl…
I have one PC (Ubunto 22.04) and one laptop (Ubuntu 22.04). Both have YouCompleteMe installed. The above issue only happens to the PC. I don' face this issue with the laptop. The error i am gett…
First of all, thank you for building this wonderful tool and enabling integration with YouCompleteMe for Bazel.
However, I am running into a few issues. YouCompleteMe, using the `compile_commands.j…
1st conflict: Returning to normal mode when YCM popup is shown and ESC is pressed.
This can be fixed by adding
let g:AutoClosePumvisible = {"ENTER": "", "ESC": ""}
to .vimrc as described here: htt…
CMake is required to build YouCompleteMe.
Please install CMake using your package manager and retry.
Gannu updated
10 years ago
ERROR: Python headers are missing in /usr/include/python3.8.
Build error, trying rebuild without…