I have two Ubuntu Linux computers with Steam installed. For some games, cloud sync works fine for me at synchronizing my saves, but for some like SpaceChem and Faster Than Light it fails for me. When …
Macil updated
5 years ago
The constructor of the following type no longer validates in 1.7 versions
public class ListData {
@NonNull ScPuzzle puzzle;
./gradlew build
Type-safe project accessors is an incubating feature.
'main' component in project ':native' cannot build on this machine.
> Task :native:test FAILED
fenhl updated
7 months ago
Hi there.
When I launch the game from the Steam UI, I get the Steam "Preparing to launch SpaceChem" window briefly, and my status changes to "In-Game SpaceChem" for about a second, but then reverts…
elbie updated
6 years ago
What about a new sub page with some statistic data from CodeWars:
* amount of all users
* amount of users active in the actual month
* amount of users active in last three months
* amount of users gr…
There are several games with workarounds from fnaify that allow it to launch and run on brief testing; however, it's unclear if all cases are covered for the entirety of the game.
The following is …
I just got the game running on latest mono by deleting the security dll from the top folder (it's part of a standard mono distribution anyway)
Right now the game has a single (fun) mode.
What do you think about some optional modes, such as:
1. speedrunner challenges
2. resource constrained challenges (instead of infinite resources)
I tried to apply your fix to the GOG version of SpaceChem. The real SpaceChem.app is actually contained in GOG's SpaceChem.app at