Would it be possible to please document some error codes on the API, such as:
`empty message`
`woodpecker prohibited`
...and others?
Also a brief explanation of what they mean would be…
Trying the javascript API example to upload audio stream. Using the sample provided. Changed the web socket-address to wss://zellowork.io/ws/mynet where "mynet" is our network name. Login is successf…
I have a project using ptt.dll working OK, if I try the same code using ZelloPTT.dll it does not work.
Dim Users(1) As String
Users(1) = EveryoneUser
We do not know to what extent ham radio is being used as a mode of communication and how much work it is taking for these messages to be relayed to someone who can help them. Software-defined radio in…
We're hitting Too Many Requests error when using JS SDK and using this simple code:
const session = new ZCC.Session({
My company has a zellowork account and based off the README page we should be able to authenticate on the websocket api for up to 100 channels. However if I try to authenticate with more than …
We are currently working on putting the channel API interface on a embedded board.
From my testing I see that both secure - wss://zellowork.io - and non-secure - ws://zellowork.io - are both suppor…