**Describe the bug**
The command to set up fan2go zsh autocompletion on Linux for every new session does not result in the correct file location on Manjaro. The instructed command from `fan2go comple…
When I open my terminal, I get a generic(?) p10k theme. I then have to source my `~/.p10k.zsh` file to get the theme I set up.
Here is an image. I started my terminal and then on the first line sou…
pkg upgrade -y and ./setup.sh
`Create` ~/bin/data/data/com.termux
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Kalispell-[$]-[#] install=✓termux #1
[powerlevel10k] fetching gitstatusd .. \
[ERROR]: gitstatus failed to initialize.
Zsh log (/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/tmp/gitstatus.POWERLEVEL9K.10681.9643.1732643811.2.xtrace.log):
# 终端环境:zsh 主题自定义 powerlevel10k - POLOXUE's BLOG
I'm seeing a strange issue on nixos regarding stylix. When I have the home-manager module for zsh loaded, stylix fails to apply some settings to my nixos system. I get the wallpaper and cursors, but u…
## Describe the bug
When using a custom path for themes in `config.toml`, tinty still tries to find themes in the repos directory instead of using the configured custom path.
## Expected behavior
**Describe the bug:**
This is a problem that happens every time I upgrade, and I haven't found any information on how to fix it or what the cause is.
I'm not sure what exactly is *breaking*, the packa…
Can I ask if there is a theme for zsh? when I load the theme in zsh and open vim, I found the color is different from the screenshot? Here is my screenshot:
# Motivation
**When** I use ohmyzsh
**And** a custom theme such as https://github.com/romkatv/powerlevel10k
**Or** a custom theme such as https://github.com/spaceship-prompt/spaceship-prompt