A-A-Abdelhamid / LLP_Sleptons_RPV_SUSY

Here you can find MadGraph5 cards, diagrams, logs, plots, and code used in the project
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Getting started #16

Open A-A-Abdelhamid opened 11 months ago

A-A-Abdelhamid commented 11 months ago

After running the docker image with mg5_aMC (MadGraph) and following all the steps (including setting up and importing the required lhapdf sets):

1- Download the UFO model directory (using wget, curl, svn, etc...)

2- run mg5_aMC

3- import model ./RPVMSSM_UFO/RPVMSSM_UFO/ 4- define q = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ b t b~ t~ h01 h2 h3 h+ h- This will be used to prevent mg5 from creating processes with quarks as mediators. We are interested in processes with the photon (a) and Z-boson (z) as mediators

5-define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ b b~ Our protons are multiparticles consisting of gluons, up, down, strange, charm, and bottom quarks/anti-quarks

6- generate p p > mur- mur+ /q

7- display processes

8- output [foldername]

9- For the time being, please edit this param_card.dat:

The mass (in GeV) is in line 51 1000013 4.000000e+02 # msl2 400 GeV The decay width is in line 757 DECAY 1000013 6.500000e-15 The decay width is the beginning of the decay table:

DECAY  1000013   6.500000e-15
#  BR             NDA  ID1    ID2   ...
   1               2    13  -12 

Here mur- and mur+ (1000013 and -1000013) decay with a decay width of 6.5 E-15 GeV (proper lifetime of 0.1 ns) to two daughters: muon (anti-muon for mur+) and anti-electron neutrino (electron neutrino for mur+)

10- Edit the parameters to generate smuons with mass of 500 GeV and lifetime of 0.1 ns When you change the mass for the right-handed smuons (1000013), MadGraph expects you to make the left-handed (2000013) smuons with the same mass (even if we are not generating any left-handed smuons) After changing the parameters in the param_card.dat, put it in the folder "Cards", it will replace the one created by the program.

11- Use this run_card.dat by putting it in "Cards" replacing the one generated by the program.


13- shower=Pythia8