A-A-Abdelhamid / LLP_Sleptons_RPV_SUSY

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Validating the impact parameter plot #5

Closed A-A-Abdelhamid closed 1 year ago

A-A-Abdelhamid commented 1 year ago

I realized that I did not take the absolute value of d0, thus I should have included negative d0 values in the plot: This is for the muons coming out directly from smuons vertices


For validating d0, I plotted it vs. L_xy, along with the line: |x| = y


The scatter points do not cross the line, even if they look like they do. This is just a visual artifact that is gone by zooming in the matplotlib graph:


Reversing the axes (because why not)


And Zooming in to see if the d0 data points cross the x = |y|: Figure_9


I'm checking that L_xy > d0 by only plotting d0 that satisfies this condition and looking at the number of entries

A-A-Abdelhamid commented 1 year ago

I checked that all the points plotted defiantly satisfies Lxy > do

A-A-Abdelhamid commented 1 year ago

@trholmes I plotted Lxy and do, and all points have Lxy > d0. The distribution of d0 is symmetric around the origin. Please let me know if you have any comments. Thanks!