[ ] Jupyter Notebook meeting College Board and CTE competencies
[ ] Multiple inputs and outputs are required.
[ ] Jupyter NoteBook when committed to GitHub Pages must display Outputs
[ ] Building something that helps you study for another class or solve a problem of intest. Here are some ideas: MPG, GPA, Celsius to Fahrenheit, Primes in range of numbers, Points per Game
Team Check-In
This is a check in to communicate between tea members. This is before the actual team check to mark progress of each member! >>
Agile Methodology
FRQ Mini-lab
FRQ No. 1: Methods and Control Structures ^ Luna FRQ No. 1: Control Structures ^ Raunak FRQ No. 2: Classes ^ Emma FRQ No. 3: Array/ArrayList ^ Ekam FRQ No. 4: 2D Array ^ Aliya
U1 Primitive Data Types
U5 Menu Class