Automated System for Monitoring And Relaying Alerts
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0
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[Suggestions!] Thought i would post my suggestions just because of it #3

Open reggietorres opened 5 months ago

reggietorres commented 5 months ago

Betabrite support? Encoding? CG?

Will update if i get more ideas

A-c0rN commented 5 months ago

Hey, these are great!

For the Betabrite, I don't own one, so I don't know of a good way to test them to make sure it'll work.

Encoding support used to be a thing, but due to the menu system being a dumpster fire, it was removed. The menu system will be replaced by a full web server in a future update, but due to lack of help, and not being great with frontend systems, this isn't going to be soon.

CG Support is in the works! Going to be making it compatible with external CGs, such as the Chyron CODI, VDS CGs, and a few others. No plans for this system to host it's own, as the environment this script runs in can change drastically, and I don't have time to program it to work with all of them.

I'll make some projects in the GIT repo, so we can track progress. Thanks!

reggietorres commented 5 months ago

I know a bit of tailwindcss if you need help with the web interface, not sure about much else other then that

Edit: Just thought of it, CAP integration

A-c0rN commented 5 months ago

That would be helpful! The idea is to make more of a REST API for the ENDEC, allowing users to make their own software wrappers to interface with the unit, while also providing a pre-built web interface for the basics.

Also, CAP integration is already in Process, check the projects on the repo.


reggietorres commented 5 months ago

Maybe you could take a page out of the Linux Kernel, where you could have other people contribute to a self hosted CG for different enviornments?

A-c0rN commented 5 months ago

If I went down that path, I would provide something like a generic output via a socket to allow a user to make a system of their own. I don't want to clutter the codebase with 200 different CGs for different environments, that would be a nightmare to handle! 😉

reggietorres commented 4 months ago

i know for a FACT we are doing this, cause it would be to maintain at a later date.. get rid of the config json shit and switch to database, that way settings can be configured from web interface, i believe that ana would have to do that, because the way that json is written is not english (at least to me)

A-c0rN commented 4 months ago

i know for a FACT we are doing this, cause it would be to maintain at a later date.. get rid of the config json shit and switch to database, that way settings can be configured from web interface, i believe that ana would have to do that, because the way that json is written is not english (at least to me)

That was the idea a while back, and I can handle that when the web is available. Don't wanna be tripping over eachother :3

reggietorres commented 4 months ago

Yeah agreed

ManMacho commented 3 months ago

+1 for the CG