Automated System for Monitoring And Relaying Alerts
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0
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Need a Statistics Logo | Webserver #32

Closed reggietorres closed 4 months ago

reggietorres commented 4 months ago

if i could get an icon/logo for statistics, that would be great

A-c0rN commented 4 months ago

@physprop can you tackle this? You got the logos down pat lol

physprop commented 4 months ago

What kind of logo are we thinking of here? Just a generic icon for analytics? Can you provide a screenshot of where this will be used for context?

reggietorres commented 4 months ago

atm im using one of the other logos for it, but this is where it would go atm image

physprop commented 4 months ago

analytics-with-hexagon Give this one a shot @reggietorres. LMK if you want any changes. (for note (icon comes from google's material design library, which is open source.)

reggietorres commented 4 months ago
