Automated System for Monitoring And Relaying Alerts
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0
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Need SAME Documentation #35

Closed reggietorres closed 4 months ago

reggietorres commented 4 months ago

I don't exactly remember how far up the duration number in the EAS SAME code can go up, so if someone could provide documentation for that, would be great, also need python code for generating JJJHHMM

A-c0rN commented 4 months ago

The max timestamp duration is 9930 In theory, but most boxes do 2400, 1200, or 0600.

A-c0rN commented 4 months ago

Code for generating JJJHHMM is in ASMARAs encoding subroutines, look in there :3

reggietorres commented 4 months ago

The max timestamp duration is 9930 In theory, but most boxes do 2400, 1200, or 0600.

So is there such thing as 08:44, or is it how i thought it was, where it goes up in 5 intervals

which would be




etc etc

reggietorres commented 4 months ago
