Automated System for Monitoring And Relaying Alerts
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0
9 stars 8 forks source link

Playout Bug #41

Closed ManMacho closed 1 month ago

ManMacho commented 3 months ago

'[PLAYOUT] WARNING > UNKNOWN STATE: This is a bug! ' '[PLAYOUT] WARNING > Killing current patch '

reggietorres commented 3 months ago

i get that alot, i usually ignore it and it still works, i honestly dont know why it does it, if you can ignore it, ignore it, if you can't, get back to me

ManMacho commented 3 months ago

i get that alot, i usually ignore it and it still works, i honestly dont know why it does it, if you can ignore it, ignore it, if you can't, get back to me

alright, just trying to setup icecast, hoping thats not gonna interfere with it at all.

reggietorres commented 3 months ago

If you have issues with setting up a config, which can be a bit confusing, let me know il help you out

ManMacho commented 3 months ago

If you have issues with setting up a config, which can be a bit confusing, let me know il help you out


ManMacho commented 3 months ago

If you have issues with setting up a config, which can be a bit confusing, let me know il help you out

im a bit confused on the emulation part - what are my options to put there?

reggietorres commented 3 months ago

If you have issues with setting up a config, which can be a bit confusing, let me know il help you out

im a bit confused on the emulation part - what are my options to put there?

that is for telling the endec to mimic a real endec sound wise, you don't have to put anything there, but i personally set mine to DIGITAL

reggietorres commented 3 months ago

for options you can check the documents for EASGen

ManMacho commented 3 months ago

for options you can check the documents for EASGen

ah i see, im just having issues with it saying 'alert is VERY expired' now, when its not..

reggietorres commented 3 months ago

Thats cause this year is a leap year, it will be fixed soon im sure

ManMacho commented 3 months ago

Thats cause this year is a leap year, it will be fixed soon im sure

ah, alright.

WhoIsAsking1996 commented 3 months ago

Thats cause this year is a leap year, it will be fixed soon im sure

Will this still relay the alerts or no?

reggietorres commented 3 months ago

Thats cause this year is a leap year, it will be fixed soon im sure

Will this still relay the alerts or no?

Not until the bug is fixed, all alerts are currently classified as VERY EXPIRED. because its a leap year, so the software is unusable except for the AutoDJ part of it.

ManMacho commented 3 months ago

Thats cause this year is a leap year, it will be fixed soon im sure

Will this still relay the alerts or no?

Not until the bug is fixed, all alerts are currently classified as VERY EXPIRED. because its a leap year, so the software is unusable except for the AutoDJ part of it.

Yikes, does the logger even work?

WhoIsAsking1996 commented 3 months ago

Thats cause this year is a leap year, it will be fixed soon im sure

Will this still relay the alerts or no?

Not until the bug is fixed, all alerts are currently classified as VERY EXPIRED. because its a leap year, so the software is unusable except for the AutoDJ part of it.

ah ok

reggietorres commented 3 months ago

Thats cause this year is a leap year, it will be fixed soon im sure

Will this still relay the alerts or no?

Not until the bug is fixed, all alerts are currently classified as VERY EXPIRED. because its a leap year, so the software is unusable except for the AutoDJ part of it.

Yikes, does the logger even work?

why would it log expired alerts lol? even if the alert isn't expired in the time it was made sense, the program thinks it is because of the leap year. so it won't log it, Yes the logger works, but it doesn't log expired alerts..

ManMacho commented 3 months ago

okay, hopefully it gets fixed soon i guess.

reggietorres commented 3 months ago

Please close this issue, someone might get confused and think this is where we are discussing the bug, and potential fixes. we will be doing that in #37