Automated System for Monitoring And Relaying Alerts
Open Data Commons Open Database License v1.0
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Rewrite / Redesign Output Systems #9

Open A-c0rN opened 5 months ago

A-c0rN commented 5 months ago

The New playout system should replace the current AutoDJ system, as it has many bugs, and is inherently flawed. This should move the ENDEC towards more of what it should do, E.G. Handles EAS, and keeps it away from overloading the project with unnecessary bloat.

The current idea for the system will be based on Sockets, Either Unix or Network, and will allow ASMARA to accept / return a raw data stream over a socket that is controlled by the user.

It should provide something such as a 1KHz signal if there's no input, which should be enabled by default, but user configurable.