A01371852 / ROS_Autonomous_SLAM

Autonomous SLAM with ROS using the DrRobot X80 and an Intel RealSense Camera
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Attempt on publishing pointclouds. #10

Closed A01371852 closed 4 years ago

A01371852 commented 4 years ago

One of the tasks we worked on during this week was the publication of pointcloud data through ROS. After making sure that the R200 camera was working properly Uriel carried on by following this tutorial from the ROS wiki. What we got was a RGB image in RTAB-Map with no odometry data and no pointclouds (see this issue). So, today I decided to give it another try. I followed the HandHeldMapping tutorial previously referenced, running all the nodes on the master node (the UP-Board), and I got this image with RTAB-Map:


Even though there is pointcloud data, it is poor and not sufficient. My hypothesis is that more data is gathered by moving the robot around with enough processing capacity (The plan is to run this node on an external PC, not on the UP-Board). Maybe using external odometry (not visual) might also help to get better results. Then I tried to do a similar test but now by running RViz on my PC (I wanted to do this before trying to visualize the pointcloud data). What I got was something intriguing: my PC can see the topics being published by the master node but it won't show any visual data. The same test works perfectly on the same device, the UP-Board, but doesn't seem to work across devices. I googled my problem and it seems to be similar to this. However, I did not go into any details. I will continue from here in the next session.

Side note: I modified the drrobot_player.cpp source code to move the servos of the camera arm to a fixed position at the start of the execution, so that the camera is always facing forward. I submitted the source code here.

A01371852 commented 4 years ago

This is the specific warning that is thrown when I try to run Rviz on my external PC.


ELGUMOS1 commented 4 years ago

Cloudpoints visualized in RTAB-Map.


A01371852 commented 4 years ago

This issue has been solved, as described in issue #11.