Open A19311032 opened 6 months ago
Nombres de Archivos:
index.php: Página principal del sitio web. product_detail.php: Página de detalle del producto. checkout.php: Página de proceso de pago.
Nombres de Variables:
$productName: Nombre del producto. $productPrice: Precio del producto. $cartItems: Artículos en el carrito de compras. $totalPrice: Precio total de la compra.
Nombres de Funciones/Métodos:
getProductById(): Obtener un producto por su ID. calculateTotalPrice(): Calcular el precio total de la compra. addToCart(): Agregar un producto al carrito de compras.
Nombres de Clases:
Product: Clase que representa un producto. User: Clase que representa un usuario. Order: Clase que representa una orden de compra.
Nombres de Tablas de Base de Datos:
products: Tabla que almacena información sobre los productos. users: Tabla que almacena información sobre los usuarios registrados. orders: Tabla que almacena información sobre las órdenes de compra.
Nombres de Rutas en Laravel :
products.index: Ruta para mostrar la lista de productos. cart.add: Ruta para agregar un producto al carrito de compras.
Convención de Nombres en PHP/Laravel:
Convención de Mensajes de Commit:
Convenciones de Codificación:
Convenciones de Colaboración:
This story supports the initial developer team and their ability to deliver software regarding consolidating the team members, backgrounds, agreements, politics, good practices, tooling, testing, metrics, design, planning, architecture, globals and everything to make a goal in the quality software industry. It could imply the team “creating” something or “buying and/or installing” something etc.
No veo las propuestas de los diagramas de arquitectura, tablas, clases, secuencia, uso etc.
I.- HOW TO CREATE A NEW BRANCH FOR EACH NEW USER STORY: 1.- ALWAYS refresh with the main branch pulling all contents or clone the repository.
got all branches
git fetch --all
got the main branch
git pull develop 2.- Name the the: userstoryname = US-
US(means: user story )
Ej: US-123
3.- Make the new local branch for the user story 123, from the base mainstream develop branch:
git checkout -b US-123 develop
4.- Verify that the new branch have no changes.
Make a pull/merge request-compare with our mainstream with the new branch, showing:
There isn’t anything to compare.
develop and US-123
NOTE: That means they have to be identical.
5.- Update to the remote with the new local branch
git push origin US-123
6.-Make local additions/changes verify, compare, add to the index and commit
git status
git diff
git add
git commit -m “userstoryname : description of the changes or/and additions”
7.- Upload to remote additions/changes
git push US-123
8.- Make a pull request, selecting:
Base branch: develop
Compare branch: US-123
NOTE: Be aware to solve the possibles conflict that can occurs
9.- Verify the co-developers pull request comments, and after approvals (CODEREVIEW) the ‘merge’ could proceed
II.- HOW TO BUG-FIX IN A USER STORY: 1.- ALWAYS start with the (Step I). 2.- Name the bugfix related to the story: bugfixname = US<b,c,d,e, etc.>
git checkout -b US-123-bugfix-1
3.-Make local additions/changes verify, compare, add to the index and commit them
git status
git diff
git add
git commit -m “US-123-bugfix-1: fix bug description of the changes or/and additions”
4.-Make local additions/changes compare and add to the index
git diff
git add
5.- Make a pull request :
Base branch: develop
Compare branch: US-123-bugfix-a
6.- Verify the co-developers pull request comments
7.- Fire the deploy (if apply)
III.- HOW TO HOTFIX DEV OR STG ENVIRONMENT: Is the same of hotfix but against the branch: dev-deploy But is always important what user story is related with that hotfix 2.- Name the hotfix: hotfixname = US-<1,2,3,4, etc.>
3.- Make the new hotfix new branch from the dev-deploy
git checkout -b dev-deploy-US-123-bugfix-a dev-deploy
4.-Make local additions/changes verify the status, compare, add to the index and commit
git status
git diff
git add
git commit -m “dev-deploy-US-123-hotfix-1: hotfix description of the changes or/and additions”
4.-Make local additions/changes compare and add to the index
git diff
git add
5.- Make a pull request and merge them after approvals:
Base branch: dev-develop
Compare branch: dev-deploy-US-123-bugfix-1
7.- Fire the deploy to develop(if apply)
NOTE: make a fast happy-path test in the dev environment, and let know to the QA was fixed
8.- Finally, update the parking mainstream
ALWAYS start with the (Step I)
In the parking mainstream branch, pull the hotfix :
git pull dev-deploy-US-123-bugfix-1
4.- Update the remote last changes:
git push origin develop