A2K / vscode-hlsl-preview

HLSL live preview for VSCode
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Black output with Textures #1

Open FitiLsan opened 4 years ago

FitiLsan commented 4 years ago

Hi! When I'm trying to visualize my texture in pixel shader preview I'am getting black output

sampler MySamp;
Texture2D <float4> MyTex;

float4 main( float2 TexCoords : TEXCOORD ) : SV_Target
    return MyTex.Sample( MySamp, TexCoords);

MVS Code Version 1.39.1 UuMnhJm-U6c 1

ckLXHL commented 4 years ago

same problem, no texture can be use

gabrieloc commented 2 years ago

@A2K any ideas here? would love to have this functionality

broken-bytes commented 1 year ago

Doesn't work for me at all. Output is always black.

YIJUAN7 commented 3 months ago
Texture2D myTex;
sampler myTexSampler = 
    Texture = <myTex>;
    MipFilter = LINEAR;
    MinFilter = LINEAR;
    MagFilter = LINEAR;
float4 main(in float2 uv: TEXCOORD0):SV_TARGET
    return myTex.Sample(myTexSampler, uv);
