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Fuel Scarcity #53

Open StefArma opened 6 years ago

StefArma commented 6 years ago

I proposed this long time ago, now thanks Dusty for reminding me.

Visiting a gas station and refuel is a working feature however noone ever needed it.

What i propose is to setfuel 0,05 to all civilian vehicles by default, same with purchased vehicles. Also setFuelCargo to 0 to fuel trucks, so that they're useful only if you go replenish them, maybe by adding a cost.

About enemy vehicles i'd say to set it at 0,3, infact they have bases and it's useless to keep all the fuel in a combat vehicle which might explode during gunfights.

Tell me what do you think, and also i need help where to place this code... maybe in VEHinit.sqf

StefArma commented 6 years ago


Applied by this.

Let's see if it require an extra balance...

For istance i'd say that heal repair and rearm should check how much fuel there is, and if <0.01 then setfuel 0.01 that is enough to move the vehicle a bit and visit a fuelstation Since biki is under maitainance i don't know the commands to make this check.

Another thing to check is the attacking helicopters, i don't want them to fall down because of no fuel... i've run some distance test and they were fine in VR.. let's see in game

Also, is _vehicle setfuel a heavy script? i'm wondering about towns where civis have many vehicles spawning.

StefArma commented 6 years ago

From my measurement: vanilla truck and littlebird both with setfuel 0.1 can travel for 40km regardless the difference one is helo and the other is a truck.

in termns of scarcity i think that 0.1 is a lot considering altis is 22km wide.. so values will be adjusted between 0.01 and 0.1

StefArma commented 6 years ago

Tested RHS Mi-8 with 0.1 = 33km for a total 10min of travel... ok i set helos to 0.2

Sparker95 commented 6 years ago

Could you give helicopters and planes more fuel? Noone would fuel up an attack helicopter only enough for a way to the target and back, considering the biggest distance it would need to fly with Altis map. Especially if you can fuel it up more. It might need to fly around and circle for a while. Also IDK if Arma simulates it right, but IRL hover mode consumes much more helicopter's fuel than a straight flight.

StefArma commented 6 years ago

Good point Sparker, then i'm setting it to 60%, more than enough i think

StefArma commented 6 years ago

Right now it works for vehicle purchased for some enemy vehicles

it doesn't work for civilians, regardless i added the fuel reduction both in civVEHinit.sqm and createciv.sqf...

need help!

StefArma commented 6 years ago

Fixed civi fuel https://github.com/A3Antistasi/antistasiofficial/commit/175c69f0463c73abeaa0ab8d777e8198c54839ec

ACE give values on fuel: setfuelcargo = 0.01 = 2000 liters and a sport car empty took 60 liters to be filled.

I'll start with this value but i might consider to reduce the amount of fueltrucks cargo more and add options to the seaport to get a fuel resupply.

StefArma commented 6 years ago

An Mi-8 need 3800 liters to fill. I tried flying along the coast with 0.1 fuel. From south east of Altis i went bingofuel at the hotel... so around 35km considering i was fullspeed doing hard turns etc.

So capacity is different but fuel consumption is proportional.

StefArma commented 6 years ago

Have to check garage for saving fuel amount

StefArma commented 6 years ago

This make Garage saving fuel and fuelcargo Fixed the fuelcargo when ace is active, set 300 ACE liters (car is filled by 60 liters and heli with 3200) we might tweak again the amount of liters by default.


StefArma commented 6 years ago

Civi cars have random amount of fuel to max 50% https://github.com/A3Antistasi/antistasiofficial/issues/136

StefArma commented 6 years ago

Changed mission to: Steal or destroy Fuel Truck https://github.com/A3Antistasi/antistasiofficial/commit/ba15edb77026540f4e117884019eded7ce117a30

BlackburnUTG commented 6 years ago

ACE: need to implement the ability to refuel cargo of refuel-truck

StefArma commented 6 years ago

i was thinking to allow refuel it at factories

StefArma commented 6 years ago

Vehicles left around HQ, after a persistent load, get their fuel value reset to 0.1

In the meantime, don't leave vehicles out of garage

zalexki commented 6 years ago

You can refuel heli at least at chalkia and some other cities too. Actually it seems we can script it. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFuelCargo

Scenario: I am at position _sameRadiusAsFuelNozzle of a Fuel Station (should be controlled or factories like stef said) And i am in a Fuel Truck And I have engine off And I wait 5s Then CargoFuel will tick X liters every X secondes

@A3Antistasi/contributors ?

StefArma commented 6 years ago

Yes we can script it, as i used that command to save the fuel amount in garage.

I reopened the issue because of vehicles nearby HQ, those are saved just as classname and they get fresh spawned (so repaired, fully rearmed, and fully refueled) when game load.